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The Map Cabinet is a concept that lets you store and retrieve documents, photos and information using a map in your internet browser. In the information age we starting filing papers in folders in file cabinets and could never find the folder again.  Then we started scanning papers and putting them in  folders on the computer and we lost them again.  By filing documents on a map, you always know where to find them.

State of the art GIS services to spatially enable your organization.

Hamilsoft Solutions Logo

"We don't want to rule the world, we just want to digitize it."

How it works
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Tel: 936-242-8165

219 Capetown

Montgomery, TX 77356

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Emergency Operations

Dynamic web applications that mashes up live weather data with your infrastructure

Our hosted solutions eliminate the need for servers, software, downloading app’s, and function on all devices (yes desktops too).

We offer a subscription service on monthly term contract.

We reduce the cost even further by cutting out the middle man allowing you to create, delete and edit your own data through the web browser. 

You are in the drivers seat and we are here to do as much or as little as you would like us to do. 

We can partner with you to provide your firm with a GIS service that is transparent to your clients and managed by you. We take care of the technology piece while you take care of your clients needs. 

How it works

Map Cabinet
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